
behavioral finance

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behavioral finance为短语/超纲词汇

behavioral finance

行为金融学(behavioral finance,BF)是金融学、心理学、行为学、社会学等学科相交叉的边缘学科,力图揭示金融市场的非理性行为和决策规律。行为金融理论认为,证券的市场价格并不只由证券内在价值所决定,还在很大程度上受到投资者主体行为的影响,即投资者心理与行为对证券市场的价格决定及其变动具有重大影响。
1. What business is that of the Finance Department?

2. The project foundered as a result of lack of finance.

3. This same company, it was revealed, was ready to finance secret U.S. efforts to throw out the government of Chile.

4. As behavioral sciences develop, however, researchers find the importance of speech has been overestimated.

5. About two weeks ago, a regretful Mr. Williams, who had worked for the London police since 1959 and had risen to a £65,000 a year position as deputy director of finance, was brought into court and sentenced to seven and a half years in prison.

6. Students detail behavioral guidelines for their room, including acceptable hours for study and sleep, a policy for use of each other's possessions and how messages will be handled.

7. It ended tax favors that had encouraged clearing of the Amazon rain forest, and agreed to a plan to finance new forest protection projects.

8. In my field — finance and securities — I am often asked by Westerners how Nomura Securities has managed to escape the paper traffic jam that American firms have faced.
